
Policies, Governance
and Reports

Prosperity for

As a clothing company we have an impact on the climate and the environment. We must take our responsibility to transition into a different way of operating – within the planetary boundaries. Reducing emissions through climate action must happen swiftly and decisively. We recognize the need to avoid dangerous climate change by limiting global warming below 2°C and pursuing a limit of 1,5°C as stated in the Paris Agreement. We are committed to be net zero by 2050.

Our Commitment

Transparency and

Collaboration is a prerequisite for change. Within our own operations the change is carried out by all co-workers, complementing our governance system with a Sustainability Steering Group to coordinate on management level from all functions. With our partners, we work with a long-term perspective. With this approach, we can present suppliers with security and ability to transform towards more sustainable materials and processes, enabling initial investments. Mapping the supply chain, we have identified which suppliers to focus on first in our effort to transform to renewable energy in a collaborative effort.

Standards and

Our policies are developed in line with regulatory demands and in this case, business requirements from a sustainability perspective. Eton’s policy process is described in the Procedure for Policy Management. All policies, procedures and instructions are reviewed annually and adopted by the Board of Directors at the annual general meeting. All Eton Policies and standards are communicated to the relevant parties.

  • The Eton Company Values
  • Code of Conduct (external)
  • Code of Conduct, internal
  • Code of Ethics (external)
  • Car Policy
  • Anti-corruption and Anti-bribery Policy
  • HR Policy (including Equal Treatment, Workplace Guidelines)
  • Quality and process manuals
  • The Eton More Sustainable Product Guideline
  • The Eton Principles: our policy for Performance, Quality, Flammability and Chemical Restrictions – based on REACH, ECHA, and OEKOTex standard.

Mapping of our
supply chain

We have mapped our supply chain and tracked our Tier 1 and 2 supplier’s consumption of heating, energy, and water, whether they use wet processes, and if they have wastewater treatment. We monitor their textile waste and the amount of packaging they use, and the percentage of packaging that is recycled. In line with our transparency ambitions, we publicly disclose our supply chain, including the number of employees, gender parity, and length of collaboration. The information covers our fabric, sewing factories, and readymade/accessories suppliers, and is updated twice yearly. Trimmings and details are currently not in scope.

For a full supplier list, see our Sustainability report


We launched our anti-corruption policy 2019. Each employee goes through an online anti-corruption training when joining Eton and a yearly reminder to re-take it is sent out. By signing our Code of conduct, all suppliers commit to uphold the highest ethical standards when doing business. Our suppliers that have been audited have also been assessed for their management system concerning anti-bribery and corruption and unethical business practices. We strive to prevent all forms of harassments, corruption, bribery, and misconduct in the workplace. We have an anonymous whistle-blower function – in compliance with EU directives and Swedish law – enabling employees to speak freely and openly about their concerns. The function, Whispli, is a mobile application that allows employees to send feedback, ask questions, and chat anonymously.


The Eton Group produces an annual sustainability report in the same timeframe as the annual report. The Sustainability report is developed in accordance with GRI and covers the global group operations of the Eton Group. The Head of Sustainability is responsible for reviewing and approving the reported information, in collaboration with all department representatives. The report is presented to, and approved by our CEO, and Board of Directors. To ensure compliance with laws and regulations, we make our sustainability report public on and

The report is prepared in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards: Core Option. Additional information about our ownership structure, business operations, financials can be found in our Annual Report.

Sustainability Report

Our sustainability report provides the full version of the sustainability work that Eton carries out.